

摘要 针对植物工厂生物质废弃物的特点,在总结已有文献的基础上,参考传统预处理和厌氧发酵系统常用工艺,制订了植物工厂废弃物厌氧消化循环利用系统,创造性地将单乙醇胺法脱硫用于沼气脱硫上,对系统进行了完善。从该系统主要组成部分包括预处理系统、厌氧消化系统、沼气净化系统、沼气、沼液和沼渣(三沼)利用等方面,从植物工厂生物质废弃物厌氧消化循环利用的角度,对其进行了可行性分析。结果表明:植物工厂生物质废弃物厌氧消化循环利用三沼可行,但受植物工厂规模的限制,不同规模的植物工厂生物质厌氧消化沼气产量不同,小型植物工厂废弃物厌氧发酵后沼气不适合用于供热、发电,仅适合小规模使用(如沼气灯、沼气灶等),大型植物工厂废弃物厌氧发酵产生的沼气可以用于供热和发电。

关键词 厌氧消化;沼气;脱硫;沼液;沼渣;循环利用

中图分类号 S210.3;S216.4;S141.9 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2016)34-0093-05

Feasibility Assessment of the Anaerobic Digestion and Cyclic Utilization System of Biomass Wastes in Plant Factory

XU De-tian1, SHI Hui-xian1*, PEI Xiao-mei2 et al

(1.Modern Agriculture Science and Engineering College of Tongji University, Shanghai. 200092; 2.College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, Shanghai 200092)

Abstract According to the characteristics of biomass wastes in plant factory and on the basis of conventional pretreatment and anaerobic fermentation technology, a cyclic utilization system aiming to dispose bio-waste and replace the chemical fertilizer was designed. In this system, the mono ethanol amine desulfurization was used for purifying biogas, gradually perfecting the system"s function. The system includes five component: Raw material screening, crushing, pretreatment system; anaerobic digestion system; Biogas purification system and biogas slurry as fertilizer to plant factory application technology. The feasibility of the system is analyzed and calculated from the point of view of recycling. Results shows that the cyclic utilization system of biogas wastes is practicable. Neverthless, it was limited by the scale of plant factory. Depending on the size of the plant factory, anaerobic digestion biogas yield is different, bio-wastes in small plant factory product a little methane, it is not suitable for heating or power generation, only for small scale use such as gas lights, gas stoves and so forth, large scale plant factory produced biogas can be used for heating and power generation.

Key words Anaerobic digestion; Biogas slurry; Cyclic utilization

植物工厂系统是未来生产植物的必然趋势,目前,日本和我国的植物工厂已培育出高利润的幼苗、香草、水果和蔬菜[1]。植物工厂废弃物是指植物工厂中植物自然凋落或人工修剪所产生的残体,包括枯枝败叶、树枝修剪物、杂草、种子、残花、腐爛果实、根系,废弃的培养基等,同时也包括园林类废弃物(Garden Waste,GW)和果蔬类废弃物(Fruit and Vegetable Waste,FVW)[2-3]。与其他种类垃圾相比,植物工厂植物废弃物具有高含碳量、高含水量(>80%)、高挥发性固体含量(>95%)、高生物降解性、较高的C/N、高营养成分和基本无重金属类毒害性的特性[4-5]。目前,处理这类废弃物的主要方法有焚烧、掩埋及好氧堆肥和厌氧消化等[6]。如果按照传统掩埋、焚烧等处理方式,必将浪费大量土地资源和有机物资源。厌氧消化可产生沼气,同时由其发酵液制取的沼肥可作为化肥或者水培的营养液进行二次循环利用,采用这种方法可以实现植物工厂的废弃物零排放,真正做到植物-微生物环境间的和谐共处生态环境,使植物工厂完成生态圈内的能量循环和物质循环,同时也不会因为排出的废液而影响植物工厂外的环境,造成污染。此外,可以避免沼液沼渣包装、运输等带来的成本增加问题。因此,厌氧消化处理植物工厂废弃物是合理的选择[7-8]。目前,国内外对植物工厂废弃物厌氧消化循环利用系统的应用与研究较少。笔者设计了植物工厂废弃物循环利用系统,提出沼液、沼渣应用于植物工厂的观点,并分析了循环利用的可行性及应用前景,以期为生物质废弃物的科学应用提供借鉴。

推荐访问:废弃物 可行性 消化 探讨 工厂